Leadership, Strategy, Process Solutions for
EMPLOYEE PRODUCTIVITYLSP123 Performance Solutions for Business Owners and Leaders
100 Productivity Solutions
Most employees are only 60% productive. LSP123 systems help you quickly find performance gaps and fix them.
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Meet Rob
Rob Marchalonis is the founder of LSP123. His experience as an entrepreneur, engineer, and 25+ years as a hands-on CEO has given him deep insight into the power of effective Leadership, Strategy, and Process deployment to fuel workforce productivity and results.
Rob Explains LSP123
Let’s Talk Productivity
Do you have workgroups you wish were more productive? Are there significant opportunities your team is missing? Are you growing your profitability faster than your sales? Could your performance plan use an upgrade? If any of these are true, Rob can help.
Productivity Plan Overview
When I work with business owners and leaders to improve organizational performance, there are almost always opportunities to improve workgroup productivity and results. Among the many ways to accomplish this, one simple approach is to start with the four "P”s: Purpose...
Test Your Next Policy Change, Before Rollout
Have a Big Idea to Launch? By Rob Marchalonis. Before you implement a significant change that will affect your employees, consider starting with a “test” rather than a final decision. If you plan to mess with a person’s “time, treasure, or trust” be very careful,...
Idea, Hobby, or Business?
Questions to Evolve a Great Idea into a Legacy Business. by Rob Marchalonis What’s the Goal for Your Big Idea? Clients, friends, family, and others regularly share their business ideas with me. Usually, the ideas are exchanged in casual conversation to get a first...
Better Workgroup Productivity – Here’s How
Want More Productive Workgroups? Business leaders, which of your workgroups would you like to be more productive? Think about your senior leaders, sales, operations, manufacturing, service, or support teams. Is there one group in particular that, if you could just...
Launch Productive Employee One-to-One Meetings
"One-to-Ones Could Be Your Most Productive Activity as a Leader" by Rob Marchalonis. The benefits of one-to-one meetings with employees are numerous, but many leaders aren't sure how to begin or the best way to structure these engagements. As a result, they can be...
Who is Flying Your Plane?
Do You Need Pilots or a Flight Instructor? by Rob Marchalonis. Business owners, are you flying with "experienced pilots"? Not in the air, but rather on the ground in your business. Are your top leaders, those who are "piloting" the key functions of your organization,...