Why LSP Roundtable?
Business Owners and Leaders,
Why take a day each month to connect with other high-performing leaders? Most say because it’s:
- Relevant. Each LSP Roundtable is full of current, actionable, and high-impact business ideas and strategy.
- Refreshing. Members find the day to be energizing, encouraging, and a needed out-of-office recharge.
- Rewarding. Ideas from the Roundtable regularly prove to be worth five-figure gains, savings, or connections.
- Uplifting. With whom are you spending time? Are you hanging with others who lift you up? If so, how high?
- Immersive. Enjoy a rich experience and immersion in other businesses, ideas, facilities, cultures, and more.
- Exclusive. Share quality time with amazing leaders who you might otherwise never know or access.
- Motivating. Be inspired by other leaders “in the fight” who are both winning (and losing) battles, just like you.
- Preventive. Avoid pitfalls and gain wisdom from the trials, errors, wins, losses, and lessons learned by others.
- Relational. With each meeting, trust and support grows within the Roundtable resulting in rewarding relationships.
- Authentic. Because members have no “agenda” with each other, they tend to think and share more freely.
- Fun. The Roundtable is designed to be a highly enjoyable day in premier environments with high-value outcomes.
>> Discover HERE 12 benefits of the LSP Roundtable over other peer groups.
Interested? If so, you may want to check out a meeting. Just let me know and I’ll share more details.
Best Wishes, Rob
Rob Marchalonis, Rob@LSP123.com, 717-397-3444