Boost Employee Productivity

Enjoy better results

Your biggest opportunity may be increasing the productivity of your employees.  Higher productivity gives you many advantages and benefits, some of which are:

  • Increased output or production.
  • Shorter process time.
  • Faster service and product delivery.
  • More efficient use of resources.
  • Delayed or reduced hiring.
  • Higher compensation and rewards.
  • Better recruiting and retention of talent.
  • Bigger gross and net margins.
  • Increased employee morale.

Because most of my work is directly linked to improving workgroup productivity, I’ll share just a few of the strategic initiatives we can work on together to boost you team’s productivity, especially before you add to your team’s roster:

  1. Strengthen your LSP. Improve your Leadership, Strategy, and Process deployment, the foundation of team productivity.
  2. Learn from Benchmarks. Find others that perform at high levels to learn from and be inspired by.
  3. IncentShare. Share your success with smart incentives that engage, motivate, and reward workgroup performance.
  4. Develop Proprietary Offerings. Develop niche products and services to gain better control of your destiny.
  5. Market Your Value. Fuel your growth by communicating and promoting the unique value you provide to others.

Increase productivity before you hire

The time, effort, expense, and risk required to hire a new employee are greater than ever before, especially in today’s tight labor market. Before you add your next worker, consider the productivity of your existing workforce and how much it could be improved. Invest at least as much to help your team become more productive as you do to recruit and hire. Don’t overvalue a bigger workforce or undervalue improved productivity. Otherwise, you may just add inefficiency, in greater numbers.

Let’s talk productivity

Every productivity improvement begins with a conversation.  Want to talk about taking your employee productivity to the next level?  If so, email me at or call 717-397-3444 and let’s talk.

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